Idiomatic Rust (for C++ Devs): Constructors & Conversions

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Posted 2023-11-25

Starting out in Rust as a C++ developer, one of the features I missed most at first were constructors. In this post, we explore the many roles that constructors have in C++ and see how they can (or can’t) be mapped to different parts of the Rust language. Although I’ll use C++ terminology, this article is likely helpful for developers coming to Rust from other languages as well.

There are many types of constructors in C++ and, as we’ll see, they serve a wide range of purposes. I’ll address these purposes section by section and we’ll explore if and how we can map them to Rust.


One of the most obvious (and most important) purposes of constructors is to provide a way to initialize an instance of a type1. Say we have a simple class declaration like so:

class Rectangle {
    Rectangle(double width, double height);
    double width;
    double height;
/**omitted definitions**/

// Usage
int main() {
    Rectangle rect(1.,2.);

Here, the constructor allows us to initialize the private fields of the Rectangle class, which is pretty useful if we appreciate encapsulation.

Before we jump into how to map this usecase to Rust, let’s note that constructors are so called special member functions in C++. They have special syntax for both how they are defined and how they are used, but really constructors are just functions that take some arguments and return an instance of the type. There’s nothing stopping us from just creating a static member function that takes the width and height and returns a rectangle2. In fact, this idiom in C++ is called Named Constructors. The ISO C++ website calls it a “technique that provides more intuitive and/or safer construction operations for users of your class” (link).

Interestingly, that’s exactly how we would do it in Rust. We just write an associated function (the equivalent of a static member function) that returns Self3 and takes some arguments.

struct Rectangle {
    width: f64,
    height: f64,

impl Rectangle {
    pub fn new(width: f64, height: f64) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub fn square(dim : f64) -> Self {
        Self {
            width : dim,
            height : dim,

Rust has no special syntax or semantics for these types of constructors. If we want to provide them, we just write associated functions that return an instance of our type. Since new is not a keyword in Rust, it is customary (but by no means mandatory) to call one constructor of our type, preferrebly one that a lot of users will interact with, new. That new-function can take the number of arguments that make sense (including no arguments). For our rectangle that would be the width and height.

If we want to provide another constructor, Rust forces us to create another associated function and call it by a different name than new. There is no function overloading in Rust4 and no default arguments, so we are forced to create a different function which makes us think about a useful name. For our Rectangle struct that would be the square associated function which makes its purpose very explicit. In C++ we might be tempted to overload a constructor that just takes one parameter. While this might be be okay-ish for a rectangle type, it can quickly become a problem for more complex types.

One example from the Rust standard library is for example Vec::new that takes no arguments and constructs an empty vector. To create a vector with a given capacity we use Vec::with_capacity and pass it the initial capacity.

Enforcing Invariants with Constructors that Fail

Constructors are also a great way to help us enforce some invariants about a type. In our Rectangle example we might want to make sure that the dimensions are nonnegative. In a constructor in C++ we would have to signal this with an exception. Even if we were big errors-as-values proponents, we could not return a std::expected<Rectangle,std::runtime_error> if we wanted to. A constructor for a type T is a special member function that can only return T. However, the named constructor idiom would allow us to make this adjustment.

There’s a lot to be said about the pros and cons of exceptions and this is not the place to say it. Rust does not have them and thus the way to communicate errors is as values5. If we have a constructor that can fail, we just make it explicit in the signature and have it return Result<Self, Error> where Error is an appropriate error type. An example in the standard library is CString::new that takes a string of bytes and transforms it into a C-style (null-terminated) string. It will return an error if there are internal null-bytes in the given input.

Default Constructors

Another supremely important use case of constructors is default construction. In C++, a constructor that can be called with no arguments6 is a default constructor and is required e.g. for many operations in standard library containers. It’s so essential in C++ that writing T t; for a user defined T will not give us an uninitialized instance of T but a default constructed one.

The extent of what default constructed means semantically will vary from type to type but at least it implies that the instance will not consist of utter random nonsense. A default constructed std::shared_ptr will not be safe to dereference but at least it contains a null pointer, which is much better than a random address. A default constructed std::string will be empty and can be safely printed. If we are designing numerical optimization library, the default constructed instance of our Optimizer type could contain sensible default values for stopping criteria and tolerances and thus might be ready for use as-is.

The way we signal that a type is default constructible in Rust is to implement the Default trait on it. Default requires exactly one associated function fn default() -> Self, which already implies that default construction cannot return an error. It’s a good idea to check whether a type implements Default. For example Vec implements Default, and it turns out writing Vec::default() is the same as writing Vec::new(). If we write a type that exposes a new() -> Self constructor it is customary to also implement the Default trait. In fact, there is even a clippy lint for exactly that. Don’t worry if you don’t know enough about traits yet to understand how to actually use the Default trait in practice. I’ll go over an example of using trait bounds further below in the section on conversions.

Now, we can implement the Default trait for our struct manually like so:

impl Default for Rectangle {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            width : Default::default(),
            height : Default::default(),

Here, we have implemented the default constructor of our struct by just calling the default constructors of all the member fields. This is what the Default::default() behind the fields boils down to. I could have written x: 0 instead of x: Default::default() but this way allows us to see that we could pretty much implement any struct’s default constructor just by calling the the default constructor of its member fields, provided the members are default constructible. That’s a lot of boilerplate isn’t it? And that is why we could have stuck the line #[derive(Default)] just above our rectangle definition to let the compiler handle the boilerplate for us like so:

struct Rectangle {
    width : f64,
    height : f64,

Now we can construct a rectangle with zero width and height by calling Rectangle::default().

Copy Constructors

Another important usecase of constructors is copying instances using the copy constructor. If we invoke a copy constructor that is because we want a, you guessed it, copy of the instance that we can manipulate independently from the original7. In C++, manually implementing a copy constructor means that some logic has to be executed that goes beyond just invoking the copy constructor of each member field. Otherwise we would have been fine with the default copy constructor.

If we want to implement a copy constructor in Rust, we implement the Clone trait for our type. Note that the trait is called Clone, not Copy. We’ll get to the Copy trait later, but for general purpose copy constructors, the correct trait to use is Clone. To give our rectangle a copy constructor, we can simply implement one like so:

impl Clone for Rectangle {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            width : self.width.clone(),
            height: self.height.clone(),

The first thing we can see is that the clone function takes self by shared reference and returns an instance of Self. That’s how the C++ copy constructor works as well. However, copy construction cannot fail since it does not return a Result8.

The second thing is that I wrote the constructor a bit peculiarly by invoking the copy constructors of the member fields. I just did that to make it obvious that, just as with the default constructor above, we can let the compiler implement the boilerplate for us. We do that by sticking the #[derive(Clone)] annotation before the struct definition. This is the semantic equivalent of defaulting the copy constructor in C++, only that the Rust compiler will never implement a copy constructor for us without being explicitly told to. Since we already derived Default, this now looks like so:

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct Rectangle {
    width : f64,
    height : f64,

For more complex cases, we have to write the logic ourselves. But, just as with defaulting the copy constructor in C++, a good old #[derive(Clone)] is often just what we need.

Using Clone for Explicit Copy Construction

If you’ve worked a bit with Rust, you’ll know that it has destructive move semantics and single ownership. That means, if you pass in an instance of a type into a function by value9 the instance gets moved, the ownership gets transferred, and you can no longer access the instance. Say we have this code:

fn flip(img : Image) -> Image {

let original = Image::new("my_image.jpg");
let flipped = flip(original);

In this case original is not accessible any more after it has been passed to the flip function. That can be pretty helpful because it allows the flip function to reuse the already allocated image buffers to perform its magic. But what if we wanted to display both the original and the flipped image next to each other? Well, that’s where Clone can come in handy, assuming our Image implements it10:

let flipped = flip(original.clone());

Now we have access to the original and the flipped image, since only the temporary instance that was created via a call to clone is moved into the function. This is not unlike pass-by-value semantics in C++. However, in Rust we have to explicitly call the copy constructor via a call to clone, while in C++ the copy constructor is invoked implicitly. I found the explicit cloning pretty irritating at first, but I realized soon that it’s a great way to spot optimization opportunities and it encourages me to think more carefully about the ownership semantics of my APIs.

Deriving Clone on Generic Types

Using the derive macro to implement traits that can be trivially implemented is usually the right thing to do. However, for generic types it might be necessary to implement Clone manually even if all the fields are Clone. For example

struct MyPointer<T> {
    inner : Rc<T>,

This struct is generic on T and contains only one field, a reference counted shared pointer of type Rc<T>, which can always be cloned. However, the derive macro will implement Clone for MyPointer<T> only where T implements Clone. In many cases, this is the correct trait bound to enforce, but in this case it’s more restrictive than it needs to be, since Rc<T> is always Clone. So we are better off manually implementing the clone trait here, which amounts to just calling inner.clone(). Here is a good article going into a bit more detail on the subject.

Trivially Copyable Types

For some types, even calling default copy constructors (which in turn invoke the copy constructors of the type’s members) may be unnecessarily expensive, because just doing a byte-for-byte copy to a new location would suffice. That’s why, in C++, we have the concept11 of trivially copyable. Those are types that can be copied by doing a byte-for-byte copy of the memory. Whether a type is trivially copyable can be tested at compile time with the std::is_trivially_copyable type trait, which the compiler will specialize for our types. Say we define a struct that is an aggregate of trivially copyable types like so:

struct Point {
    double x;
    double y;

This type, as per the standard, is then also trivially copyable. If we then created an aggregate of multiple Point fields, that will still be trivially copyable and so on. That’s a really neat thing in C++ because it will let the compiler replace calls to many copy constructors by one bulk copy12.

Rust also has the concept of trivially copyable types and has a marker trait called Copy for it. Marker traits are traits that have no associated methods and instead tell the compiler some semantic properties about our type. Although it has no methods, the compiler will not automatically implement the Copy trait on our types, since Rust wants you to be explicit about the semantics of our types13. Implementing the Copy trait for our type is easy since it has no methods:

impl Copy for Rectangle {}

You could also –you guessed it– stick a #[derive(Copy)] above the struct definition. There’s a couple important things to note about types that implement Copy. Firstly, for a type to implement Copy, it must also implement Clone. Also every field of a type that is declared Copy must itself be Copy. The compiler enforces both these things. Further, the Rust documentation states:

Types that are Copy should have a trivial implementation of Clone. More formally: if T: Copy, x: T, and y: &T, then let x = y.clone(); is equivalent to let x = *y;. Manual implementations should be careful to uphold this invariant; however, unsafe code must not rely on it to ensure memory safety.

The compiler cannot enforce that, but it can help us do the right thing if we just #[derive(Clone,Copy)]. However, the aforementioned caveats on implementing Clone on generic types apply.

Copy vs Clone

We already saw how Clone comes in handy for passing a copy of an instance by value. Now Copy does something with our types that is much closer to the C++ semantics: every assignment or pass-by-value becomes an implicit bitwise copy instead of a destructive move. Copy is the reason we can use primitive types like f32, u64 like this:

fn add(lhs: i32, right: i32) -> i32 {
    lhs + rhs

let x = 5;
let y = x; // (1)
let z = add(x,y); // (2)

If i32 wasn’t Copy, then x would have been moved in ① and y would have been moved in ②. It’s a useful semantic to have but if you’re a library maintainer it’s also a hell of a commitment to make, because if you remove Copy from a type, your users will have to go through quite a bit of pain to migrate.

Move Constructors

I’m not sure if this concept is common in other languages, but both C++ and Rust have move semantics. However, the way the two languages think about move semantics is very different. That makes this section pretty straightforward.

We’ve already mentioned that Rust has destructive move semantics and ownership is transferred with a move. That means that there is no need for a move constructor and Rust simply does not have an equivalent. That also frees us from the burden of leaving moved-from values in a defined state. In Rust, there is no such thing as a moved-from value, since the compiler will not let us access it.


The last major usecase –hoping I did not forget one– of constructors in C++ are conversions. In fact, every constructor that can be called with one parameter is a converting constructor. That is, unless it is declared with the keyword explicit, which is considered a better default practice in modern C++. Implicit conversions can come in very handy, but if we are not careful they can lead to surprising behavior. Take this example from the Core Guidelines on the topic:

class String {
    // ...

String s = 10;   // surprise: string of size 10

Surprising indeed, which is why Rust provides a way to make conversions possible but explicit14. As with a lot of the previous sections, the solution comes in form of traits. In this case, the two generic traits From<T> and Into<T>. To implement From<T> for our type U we must implement the function from(value:T) -> U which transforms a type T to type U. To implement Into<U> for a type T, we must implement the function into(self) -> U, which also transforms T to U. If this seems like both traits are just reduntant ways to define a transformation T -> U, bear with me, we’ll revisit this very soon.

As an important aside, note that if we don’t want to take ownership of the value, we can also implement the traits on references, e.g. implement From<&T> for U and so on 15.

For an example let’s pretend we’re working on a BigInteger type that can store large integer numbers. Naturally, we want to offer a converting constructor from types like i32, u64 and so on.

struct BigInteger {

impl From<i32> for BigInteger {
    fn from(value : i32) -> Self {

impl From<u64> for BigInteger {
    fn from(value: u64) -> Self {

Now we can use create a big integer like so:

let first = BigInteger::from(-1i32);
let second = BigInteger::from(10u64);

Behind the scenes, Rust will also implement Into<BigInteger> for both i32 and u64, so that we can convert both those types to BigInteger by calling into.

fn add(first :BigInteger, second:BigInteger) -> BigInteger {

let x = 10i32;
let y = 20u64;
let z = add(x.into(),y.into());

As a matter of fact, it’s true that if we implement From<T> for U, then the type T will get a so called blanket implementation of Into<U>, courtesy of the standard library. That’s why it is recommended to implement From<T> for U rather than Into<U> for T. As a matter of fact, for Rust versions greater or equal 1.41, it’s not necessary to actually implement Into, ever 16. The reason is that we get the Into implementation for free when implementing From but not the other way round17.

In contrast to the recommendation on implementing conversion traits, if we want to constrain on them the advice is flipped around. That is, if we want to accept a type U that can be made into a T, we should constrain the type on U: Into<T> rather than T: From<U>, because there are possibly more types implementing the first trait bound than the latter. So if we want to make our add function generic and have it perform the addition without us having to manually call into, we would write it like so:

fn add<T,U> (first : T, second : U) -> BigInteger
    where T: Into<BigInteger>, 
          U: Into<BigInteger> {
    first.into() + second.into()

That is, provided our BigInteger type supports addition, which we can implement using the Add trait. But I’ll leave that for another time.

Coversions that Fail

This article is already pretty long, so I’ll keep this brief. Looking at the associated function signatures for From and Into, we can see that they cannot return an error. To implement a conversion that can return an error, we can use the TryFrom and TryInto traits. They work analogous to their From and Into counterparts, but allow us to specify an error type Error and return a Result<Self,Error> to indicate conversions that can fail.


I hope I have covered all the important use cases of constructors in C++ and shown if and how we can map them to Rust. If not, please let me know and I’ll add more use cases here. The one point that I tried to hammer home is that Rust values explicitness. Explicit copies, clones, conversions and even being explicit in what is implemented, even if the compiler could trivially do so. When I go back to C++ now, I often find myself adhering to these more Rusty idioms.


  1. It would not be C++ if there weren’t potentially many ways of initialization that interact in complex ways with each other. There’s even a book dedicated solely to this very topic. 

  2. One drawback I can think of with using static functions as named constructors in C++ is that they won’t be useful in contexts like emplace or std::make_shared where we use perfect forwarding of constructor arguments for in place construction of objects. 

  3. In an impl block, Self refers to the type itself. For our Rectangle we could just have written out Rectangle, but for more complex types involving generics it becomes tedious quickly. 

  4. You can abuse the trait system to get something like overloading. Don’t do that. 

  5. There is another, orthogonal, mechanism to signal failure: panic. I won’t go into detail here. 

  6. Note the wording “can be called with no arguments”, not “takes no arguments”. See here

  7. What I mean by that is that the copy is independent from the original, but it could still refer to some common data as is e.g. the case with std::shared_ptr

  8. The copy constructor can of course panic. 

  9. The wording here is a bit C++ inspired, but if we want to be absolutely precise, everything in Rust is passed by value, including references. In Rust, references are pointers with a whole lot of compile time guardrails, but pointers nonetheless. That’s why we have to dereference them. In that sense it’s closer to C than C++. A pointer itself in C is also passed by value, but it’s pointee may be modifyable, depending on constness. 

  10. This is just to serve as an illustration of explicit cloning. I’m not saying this is the best API for that particular problem. 

  11. It’s not a concept in the C++20 meaning of the word. 

  12. It’s important to note that it’s undefined to rely on manual specializations of std::is_trivially_copyable

  13. There are a handful of marker traits that the compiler will implicitly implement for you if appropriate. Those are called Auto Traits and are very carefully chosen. The most common auto traits that programmers interact with are the Send and Sync traits that are important for describing thread safety via the type system. 

  14. Although Rust forces most conversions to be explicit, it does not abandon all forms of implict conversions either. There is a mechanism called Deref coercion

  15. Reddit user u/quxfoo pointed out here that it might not be generally good advice to implement From (or Into) on references. 

  16. The reason is that with Rust 1.41 the orphan rules changed and made manual implementations of Into unnecessary. Thanks to reddit user u/Zde-G for pointing that out here

  17. The standard library implementors could just as well have chosen to do the blanket implementation the other way round. It’s just the way they chose to do it at the time. 

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