Rethinking Builders… with Lazy Generics

Posted 2024-10-11

While using compile-time builder generator crates, I realized that I had run into a niche problem that required lot more flexibility with generic structs and functions than I was getting. If you like, follow me down a rabbit hole and explore the builder pattern from a very generic-centric perspective.

Intro To Builders

The builder pattern in Rust is so popular that there are a lot of crates that allow us to avoid the boilerplate of generating the builders ourselves. Probably you’re already familiar with the builder pattern and at least one crate that allows you to automatically derive a compile-time verified builder for structs.

Here’s a highly #[non-exhaustive] list comprising these kind of crates and their taglines on, ordered in descending order by total number of downloads at the time of writing:

  • typed_builder (ver 0.20.0) “Compile-time type-checked builder derive”
  • buildstructor (ver 0.5.4) “[…] derive a builder from a constructor function.”
  • bon (ver 2.3.0) “Generate builders for everything!”
  • const_typed_builder (ver. 0.3.0) “Compile-time type-checked builder derive using const generics”
  • typestate_builder (ver 0.1.1) “[…] combines Typestate and Builder patterns”

Note, that I gave the current crate versions in brackets, at the time of writing. So, when I reference those crates, it’ll be based on these particular versions. All of those crates are great, with bon and typed_builder being my personal favorites and also among the most widely used. All these crates generate compile-time validated builders, so they will give errors at compile time when you forget to set a mandatory field1. The typestate_builder crate is an honorable mention here, that I stumbled upon after doing the proof-of-concept implementation presented in this article. At the time of writing it’s very young and incomplete, but it’s different from the other mentioned crates in some important details that –I believe– would enable it to implement the ideas presented in this article.

The core functionality in all of those crates lies in their ability to generate builders for structs2. If you’ve never used builders, this is best explained with an example.

pub struct Foo<S, T> {
    first: S,
    second: T,

fn main() {
    // foo1: Foo<usize,f32>
    let foo1 = Foo::builder()
                // build order is
                // arbitrary
    // ⚡ but this will not compile
    // ⚡ because we have not provided
    // ⚡ values for all fields
    // ⭐ this is a deliberate feature
    let foo2 = Foo::builder()
                    //⚡ forgot second

This example uses bon, but it will work –with minimal modifications– with all the other mentioned crates3. There’s much more that all these crates can do for you and it’s well worth checking out4. But now let’s take a look at something that none of them can do, at least I wasn’t able to make them5.

Problem Statement: Lazy Generics

Let’s first look at piece of code that does not compile using any of the builder crates mentioned above. Afterwards we’ll discuss what that code might be useful for. Say we have a runtime boolean condition cond:

// (1)
let builder = Foo::builder().first(1.337f32);
if cond {
    // (2)
    let foo = builder.second(1usize).build();
    // use foo of type Foo<f32,usize>
    // ...
} else {
    // (3)
    // ⚡ this does not compile
    let foo = builder.second(&"hi").build();
    // use foo of type Foo<f32,&str>
    // ...

In essence what I try to do is branch the builder on a runtime condition. Both branches take the same argument for first, but different arguments for second. Not only different arguments, but arguments of different types. This won’t compile with any of the crates I tested; here is a link to a repo that shows what I tried.

The reason this doesn’t work is, that the Foo::builder() function returns a builder FooBuilder<S,T,Internal> that has the same S and T generic parameters as the generic type Foo<S,T> and then some additional internal parameters6,7. At ① the type S of FooBuilder gets deduced to f32, which is what we want. However, at ② the type T of builder gets deduced to usize. That fixes the type of builder to FooBuilder<f32,usize,...>, and that makes it a compilation error to pass a &str in ③. If we had passed a different value of type usize that would, of course, have been fine. There are many advantages that come with this strong type deduction behavior and truth be told, I think it’s the correct default to have.

But wouldn’t it also be cool if the code above had just worked? In a way, I want to avoid this eager evaluation of generics that is the root of my problem and make the evaluation more lazy. Just because I want to pass a usize to second(...) in ②, doesn’t mean I want to be forced to pass the same type in ③. This is what I mean with lazy generics. I feel the eager/lazy wording is not quite what I want to express, but I couldn’t come up with a better term. Maybe decoupled is better? I’ll happily take suggestions.

So What?

If the prospect of learning how builder crates work behind the scenes and doing some metaprogramming in the process doesn’t already excite you, let me provide some rationale for why the thing above could indeed be cool. Feel free to skip ahead. I’ll concede right away that this is a pretty niche use case and that there are other, saner ways of achieving a very similar effect. Also it is decidedly not my intention to badmouth the crates above, I hope that much is clear by now.

At work I have a function with a rather nasty signature that takes a lot of parameters, some concrete types and some generic ones. It looks something like this:

fn calculate<M,R>(data: &[f32], 
             param: f32, 
             mapping: M, 
             reduction: R) -> f32 
    where M: Mapping,
          R: Reduction 

This is still simplified substantially, but it captures the spirit. The non-generic parameters are data and param. The generic parameters influence the logic which gets executed inside the function. What I wanted to do, was to use bon –which allows to construct builders for functions– to make my callsites more readable. It works by transforming the functions to structs with a .call() method behind the scenes. The .call() method is like the final .build() call in the builder pattern, only that it calls the function with the finalized parameters instead of returning a struct instance. Brilliant. What I’d like to work is something like this8:

let calc = CalculationBuilder::new()

let result = if fiddle { 
                // fiddling: Fiddling
             } else {
                // frobnicate: Frobnication

I have run-time conditions that require the function to be called with the same data, param, and mapping arguments, but with a reduction of different types. If I try that, I’ll run into the same problem as above, because the builder enforces the generics eagerly.

Goal Statement: Lazy Generics

Now with all of the introductory stuff out of the way, let’s state the goals and non-goals for this article:

  • We want to come up with a builder pattern that supports lazy generics and explore the complexities that arise from it.
  • We won’t go so far to actually write the procedural macro that generates that builder. Instead we’ll write the builder by hand and think through the steps that we’d take to automate this.

We’ll stick with writing a builder for a struct because that’s the necessary first step to writing builders for functions9. Meet our struct:

struct Pod<'a, S, T>
    S: std::fmt::Display,
    T: std::fmt::Debug + MyTrait,
    field1: f32,
    field2: S,
    field3: &'a T,
    field4: T::AssocType,
    field5: Option<T>,

// this is just a bogus
// trait that gives us 
// associated types
trait MyTrait {
    type AssocType;

We’ll write a builder for that structure that allows lazy generics, similar to what I presented above. There are a couple of things going on in this struct, so let’s examine it:

  • We have 3 generic parameters: the lifetime 'a and the types S and T.
  • We have a concrete type for field1 thrown in for good measure.
  • The generic parameters are constrained in a where clause10.
  • field2, field3 and field5 have a direct dependency on one of the generic type parameters.
  • field4 indirectly depends on T, via an associated type.

Interlude: Direct and Indirect Dependencies on Types

I should explain what I mean with direct and indirect dependencies on generic types. People more experienced in type-theory will probably scoff at me for reinventing terms for things that already exist, but alas, I don’t know type theory. I’m a mere programmer with a penchant for type system trickery. Do feel free to leave a comment, though. I’m very happy to learn.

A direct dependency on a generic type T is when a field type can be deduced from an assignment to the corresponding field. Let’s make this more concrete by imagining you had a function that’s generic on T and takes the field type (which has some dependency on type T) as an argument:

fn takes_field<T>(t: /*field type*/) {}

The question is now: can you write takes_field(value) without explicitly specifying the generic type T? For example if the field type is T, &T, Option<T>, Option<Result<T,()>>, you definitely can! That’s a direct dependency of the field type on the generic type T. However, if the field type is something like T::AssocType, you can’t. One reason is that many types T or U could have the same AssocType. Let’s call that an indirect dependency. Those are going to be important later.

First Steps

Since we want to have a compile-time verified builder, we must write the builder as a state machine, where the state is encoded in the type of the builder itself. This is called the typestate pattern in Rust and I’m going to explain it in this article. There’s also tons of information about it online. For each field, we want to encode via the type of the builder, whether it has been set. We have five fields in our structure, so we give our builder five generic types and five fields.

struct PodBuilder<F1,F2,F3,F4,F5> {
    field1: F1,
    field2: F2,
    field3: F3,
    field4: F4,
    field5: F5,

Note that these parameters F1,…,F5 are totally generic and have no relation to the actual field types yet. This is essential for avoiding the problems with eager evaluation of generics mentioned in the introduction. Not even the field1 type is fixed to f32, although we know that it can only be f32. However, we want to use the types to also encode whether a field has been set. For that, let’s define a couple of newtypes:

struct Empty;
struct Assigned<T>(T);

The Empty type indicates that a field has not been set, whereas the Assigned<X> type indicates that it was assigned with a value of type X. Each generic type of the builder starts at Empty and transitions to Assigned<...> by invoking the corresponding setter function on the builder. Once a field is assigned, it cannot be assigned again11. That is the basic logic we’ll implement in the rest of this article, but there are subtleties to consider as we’ll see. Let’s also define a couple of traits to indicate if a type has a value or if it can be assigned still.

trait Assignable<T> {}
impl<T> Assignable<T> for Empty {}

trait HasValue {
    type ValueType;
    fn value(self) -> Self::ValueType;
impl<T> HasValue for Assigned<T> {
    type ValueType = T;

    fn value(self) -> Self::ValueType {

Those two traits are not strictly necessary for the code in this article, because they are only implemented by the Empty and Assigned types, respectively. I’ll mention in this endnote12 how those traits help us to extend the presented method to allow for default values of fields.

Start and Finish

Before we implement the state transitions, let’s see where the builder starts and where it finishes. The builder starts with all fields empty, so we implement a constructor for exactly that case.

impl PodBuilder<Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            field1: Default::default(),
            field2: Default::default(),
            field3: Default::default(),
            field4: Default::default(),
            field5: Default::default(),

This allows us to call PodBuilder::new() to obtain a builder with all fields empty. Note, that this builder is not coupled to the generics of the original Pod struct. Note further, that this also prevents us from exposing a Pod::builder() function to obtain the builder, which is the –very elegant, but in this case also limiting– API that the other crates prefer.

The final stage of the builder is reached when all fields were assigned. Only then do we allow the user to call the build() function. This function consumes the builder and returns an instance of Pod.

impl<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> PodBuilder<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> {
    fn build<'a, S, T>(self) -> Pod<'a, S, T>
        T: Debug + MyTrait,
        S: std::fmt::Display,
        F1: HasValue<ValueType = f32>,
        F2: HasValue<ValueType = S>,
        F3: HasValue<ValueType = &'a T>,
        F4: HasValue<ValueType = T::AssocType>,
        F5: HasValue<ValueType = Option<T>>,
        Pod {
            field1: self.field1.value(),
            field2: self.field2.value(),
            field3: self.field3.value(),
            field4: self.field4.value(),
            field5: self.field5.value(),

Note, that the build function does include the generic types 'a, S, and T of Pod, that we had avoided before. It also includes all the trait bounds on S and T. It allows us to call on an instance of PodBuilder if and only if it indicates –via its type signature– that all fields have been set. Now let’s see how we actually implement state transitions to get us from an all-empty builder to its final state one by one.

Setting Field 1: State Transitions for Concrete Types

Pod::field1 is a concrete type, in this case f32. This is the simplest case we can encounter when implementing state transitions. Whether field1 is set in our builder is encoded via the corresponding type F1. If this type implements the Assignable<f32> trait (which in our case is just a more complicated way of saying that F1 is Empty), then we want to consume our builder, set the field, and return a new builder that encodes in its type that field1 was set.

impl<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> PodBuilder<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> {
    fn field1(self, field1: f32) 
       -> PodBuilder<Assigned<f32>, F2, F3, F4, F5>
        F1: Assignable<f32>,
        PodBuilder {
            field1: Assigned(field1),
            field2: self.field2,
            field3: self.field3,
            field4: self.field4,
            field5: self.field5,

In the type signature of the builder returned from this setter, F1 is now of type Assigned<f32> and carries the assigned value in field1. All other types F2,…,F5 just stay as they were and their values get moved into the new instance of the builder. That allows us to call the setter function before or after any of the other setter functions, the order of initialization does not matter.

Setting Field 2: Simple State Transitions for Generic Types

Setting field2 is almost as simple as setting field1, let’s see how its done:

impl<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> PodBuilder<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> {
    fn field2<S>(self, field2: S) 
       -> PodBuilder<F1, Assigned<S>, F3, F4, F5>
        S: Display,
        F2: Assignable<S>,
        PodBuilder {
            field1: self.field1,
            field2: Assigned(field2),
            field3: self.field3,
            field4: self.field4,
            field5: self.field5,

The only thing that changed compared to above, is that our setter function now accepts a generic type S and that we restrict S in a where clause with the same restrictions as in the original Pod type. It’s really that simple, but as we’ll see below it’s not always going to be this simple when generic types are involved. It works like this here because of these reasons:

  1. the type of Pod::field2 has a direct dependency on S. That means the type can be deduced in the setter function and
  2. the where clause restricting S has no dependencies on other types

This gives us a taste of the complexities that we’ll be faced with in the next sections, so let’s enjoy for a moment that it really can be this simple sometimes before we move on.

Setting Fields 3 and 5: Coupled Generic Types

Both the types of Pod::field3 (which is &'a T) and the type of Pod::field5 (which is Option<T>) have a direct dependency on T, which means T can be deduced by assigning to either of these types. When I initially drafted this section and the corresponding code, I had a whole spiel about how it was important to check whether field3 was already set when setting field5 (and vice versa), to help the type deduction. I’ve archived that code on the playground, but it was completely overblown. It turns out, if the field types obey the conditions mentioned above, we can just treat them like we treated the previous field. The correspoding setter implementations become:

impl<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> PodBuilder<F1, F2, F3, F4, F5> {
    fn field3<'a, T>(self, field3: &'a T) 
       -> PodBuilder<F1, F2, Assigned<&'a T>, F4, F5>
        T: Debug + MyTrait,
        F3: Assignable<&'a T>,
        PodBuilder {
            field1: self.field1,
            field2: self.field2,
            field3: Assigned(field3),
            field4: self.field4,
            field5: self.field5,

    fn field5<T>(self, field5: Option<T>) 
       -> PodBuilder<F1, F2, F3, F4, Assigned<Option<T>>>
        T: Debug + MyTrait,
        F5: Assignable<Option<T>>,
        PodBuilder {
            field1: self.field1,
            field2: self.field2,
            field3: self.field3,
            field4: self.field4,
            field5: Assigned(field5),

It’s just the same as in the section above, there’s not much more to it than that. A note on type deduction: the final call to build() forces that T is deduced as one unified type. So, as long as we end our builder chains –including the ones that are forked between branches– with a call to build(), the type system is smart enough to conclude that the assigned types are supposed to be the same.

let builder = PodBuilder::new()
// -- other field assignments, possibly branches --
// let builder = ...

// assuming this is now a finished builder
let foo =;

We’ll have all the sweet type deduction we come to expect. The important thing is that the builder chains gets finished with the build() method. However, that’s guaranteed to happen, because why else would you have a builder in the first place…?

Setting Field 4: Field Types with Indirect Dependencies on Generic Types

The type of Pod::field4 is T::AssocType, which means it depends on the generic type T indirectly. We can’t deduce T from assigning to field4. Somehow, we have to know the type T. We could force the user to explicitly tell us, but I don’t like that so much. We could also expose the setter for field4 only if we know T already, which is the option that I went with. That is the case when field3 or field5 (or both) have already been assigned.

Excursion: Dependency Graphs

Since the ultimate goal (not in this article, but eventually) is to implement this into a derive macro, let’s go through this analysis a little more formally. Let’s visualize the direct and indirect dependencies of the builder types (lower row) and the structure generic types (upper row).

Pod:              S    'a     T
                  |    |     /|\
                  |    |    / | \
                  d    d   d  i  d    
                  |    |  /   |   \
                  |    | /    |    \
Builder:   F1     F2   F3     F4   F5

The generic types of the builder F1,…,F5 have a one-to-one correspondence with the builder fields PodBuilder::field1,…Podbuilder::field5. Their dependency on the generic types 'a, S, and T is via the field types Pod::field1,…,Pod::field5 of the original structure. Here, a line with an i is an indirect dependency and a line with a d is a direct dependency. Here we have a pretty simple (not fully connected) dependency graph. We are trying to set field4, which is associated with type F4. So we look at the graph and collect all the original generic types on whom F4 depends indirectly. Here, that’s just T, which only has other direct dependencies. So we go ahead and collect those, in our case F3 and F5. Now we know that it’s a prerequisite that either one (or both) of the generic arguments F3, F5 have their corresponding value assigned, before we can assign to the field4 associated with F4.

Implementing Setters that Require Other Fields to be Set

Let’s now see how to implement the setter for field4 only if F3 and/or F5 were set. There are three combinations for (F3,F5) where we want to allow the setter to be invoked, which are (Empty, Assigned), (Assigned, Empty), and (Assigned, Assigned). In a procedural macro, I’d probably output dedicated code for all of those combinatorial cases. However, for this particular application we can see that we can collapse (for example) the last two cases into a single impl block.

// covers the case (F3,F5) = (Empty,Assigned)
impl<'a, T, F1, F2> PodBuilder<F1, F2, Empty, Empty, Assigned<Option<T>>>
    T: Debug + MyTrait,
    fn field4(
        field4: T::AssocType,
    ) -> PodBuilder<F1, F2, Empty, Assigned<T::AssocType>, Assigned<Option<T>>> {
        PodBuilder {
            field1: self.field1,
            field2: self.field2,
            field3: Empty,
            field4: Assigned(field4),
            field5: self.field5,

// covers the cases (F3,F5) = (Assigned, Empty) or (Assigned, Assigned)
impl<'a, T, F1, F2, F5> PodBuilder<F1, F2, Assigned<&'a T>, Empty, F5>
    T: Debug + MyTrait,
    fn field4(
        field4: T::AssocType,
    ) -> PodBuilder<F1, F2, Assigned<&'a T>, Assigned<T::AssocType>, F5> {
        PodBuilder {
            field1: self.field1,
            field2: self.field2,
            field3: self.field3,
            field4: Assigned(field4),
            field5: self.field5,

And just like that, we have finished our implementation of the builder. Let’s see what we can do with it.

Using the Builder with Lazy Generics

I’ve put the code on the playground, so please do play with it. Of course, the builder supports the most basic application, which is constructing a Pod from one complete chain:

let pod = PodBuilder::new()

But that’s what all the other builder crates can do as well, so let’s look at some lazy generics:

impl MyTrait for i32 {
    type AssocType = f32;

impl MyTrait for String {
    type AssocType = usize;

fn foo(cond: bool, othercond: bool) {
    let s = String::new();
    let builder = PodBuilder::new().field1(1.);
    if cond {
        let builder = builder
        if othercond {
            // pod: Pod<&str,String>
            let pod = builder
            // use pod...
        } else {
            // pod: Pod<&str,i32>
            let pod = builder
            // use pod...
    } else {
        // pod: Pod<i32, String>
        let pod = builder
        // use pod...

It shows that we can fork the builder based on runtime conditions without locking in unassigned types across forks. The builder becomes a stemcell with lazy generics.

Outlook: Function Builders and Where Clauses

This has been a long and complicated article, but allow me some final remarks. I think the most interesting application of builders with lazy generics, is the possibility of using them to create builders for generic functions. In principle, there’s nothing stopping us from doing that now, based on what we did. There are two problems that we’ll run into:

  1. Generic types which are not part of the function arguments or not deducable via the function argument types.
  2. More complicated trait bounds, such as the circular bounds where T: Add<S>, S: Sub<T>.

We can encounter both problems13 in structs as well. I think the first one is easy to solve, since we can just have our builder’s constructor force the user to specify those types that cannot be deduced. The second problem is a bit trickier:

fn do_something(first: S, second: T) -> bool 
    where S: Sub<T> + Clone,
          T: Add<S> + Ord,

In the setters above, we just copied all the trait bounds of the particular generic type. That won’t work anymore because we can’t name T in the setter for S, except if we require the type T to be known. However, we’d then also have to require the type S to be known in our setter for T. We could then never actually set any of these fields due to the circular dependency. But I think the solution is easier than it looks at first: we should just be able to skip all the restrictions that depend on generic types other the ones named in the field type associated with the setter. That means in the setter for first we just restrict S on Clone and in the setter for second we restrict T only on Ord. In the final build() call, we can then enforce all the restrictions again, because we can name all of the types.

Final Words

If you read this far, cheers to you. There are more things that I’d like to say about this method, but this post is already very long. So I’ll just leave it at that. I don’t claim that all builders need to support the lazy generics as presented here. I just hadn’t seen it anywhere else, maybe it’s out there and I did not look hard enough. I’m very happy to engage in the comments at the end of this article.


  1. There’s also the excellent and venerable derive_builder (ver 0.20.1), which does all validations (including forgotten fields) at run time. The problems with generics addressed in this article also apply to this crate. 

  2. The bon crate allows to create builders not only for structs but also e.g. for functions. However, this functionality internally transforms the function into a structure with a .call() method. The function arguments are made into fields of the generated structure. Then, a builder for this new struct is generated and thus it has the same limitations as the builders that are applied directly to structures. 

  3. Except the typestate_builder crate which, at the time of writing, still struggles with generics. At least when we use the intended API. It can be hacked to make this and the simple lazy generic example work, see here 

  4. Examples including: optional fields, Into-conversions, default parameters and much more, depending on the crate. Here is a great overview by the bon maintainers. 

  5. I’ve of course tried the code in question with all the mentioned crates and verified that it fails to compile. I’ve also looked at the macro expansion, which makes me pretty confident that this is not something that these crates can do. However, I might still have gotten things wrong or missed additional options and I am happy to be corrected. See here to see what I did. 

  6. The exact form of the other generic parameters varies slightly between crates, but the principle is always the same. Again, bear with me… we’ll go into the details later. 

  7. This is where the typestate_builder crate does something different. It still runs into the trap of exposing the Foo::builder() function as the only way to expose a builder. That is the reason why this example will fail. But it can be tricked into providing an empty builder and then we can actually make this example compile. However, this crate is currently not able to work with the more complex example that I’ll present in the sections below. 

  8. This is less elegant than how it would actually look in bon. But for the sake of this article, it’s better like this, since this looks more similar to the builder pattern in the intro section. 

  9. Function builders don’t necessarily follow trivially, because where clauses for generics in functions typically involve constraints that are not essential to construct the arguments, but to perform the logic of the function (think T: Add<U::AssocType>). In this case we’d like a way to specify two where clauses: one with the essential requirements that enable us to construct the argument types without compilation errors. This where clause would go on the builder struct. And an additional where clause for all the logic requirements that the function needs. This (plus the essential where clause) would then be stuck on the .call() method. We could achieve this by allowing attribute macros that capture the essential where clause, like #[essential(where T: Scalar)] and then the stuff that is not essential for constructing the types could go into the actual where clause of the function. Our procedural macro would then take care of splitting and combining the where clauses as necessary. 

  10. When writing procedural macros, it’s important to keep in mind that where clauses are not the only places where constraints can be places on parameters. To gather all the constraints one has to parse the generic types in the struct definition as well. 

  11. This is a choice on my part, but it’s something that the other builders to as well. We could also modify the state machine pattern to allow overwriting, but I feel it’s more likely an indication of an accident on the user’s part. 

  12. At least for non-generic field types it’s easy to allow for default values (it gets more complicated if the field type is generic). What we do is introduce another type WithDefault<T>(T) that implements Assignable<T>, but also HasValue<ValueType = T>. For fields where we want to allow default values in case the user does not set one, we start with a WithDefault<T> containing the default value rather than Empty. If we assign to a WithDefault, then it transitions to Assigned. But even if we don’t, the builder will allow to call build because WithDefault also implements HasValue

  13. In structs we can’t have types that aren’t part of the fields at all. We’ll at least have phantom fields, but in practice those should not expose setters, but instead force the user to specify the types explicitly. 

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